Exercise is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle. As you get into your 40s, it becomes even more important to stay active so you can combat the potential physical problems that arise in middle age. 

We’re here to give some suggestions on the five sports you can play in your 40s to improve your health and allow for some entertainment. Doing these things can also save you financially. If you want to get 250k in life insurance as you get older, these companies you apply to are going to want to see that you’re trying to stay healthy. 

Fighting disease with an active lifestyle will allow you to get life insurance and protect your family if something bad happens. Incorporating energy drinks into your routine can also be helpful. These sports will all keep you in shape and ready to make your fifth decade the best one yet.

#1 – Softball

Baseball can be a little dangerous. America’s pastime includes a few too many fastballs that can lead to violent consequences. Softball is the much tamer version of the sport, and it is great for people in their 40s.

There is plenty of time to rest between at-bats, and the fun of having such a large group exercising together is unmatched. 

Try to organize a friendly game with your coworkers, and share the expense to buy the equipment. It’s also gender-neutral (although often assumed to be only for women, which is wrong).

#2 – Bicycling

If you want to invest in your family’s health along with your own, suggest some group bike rides along your local trails. This popular activity is enduring and great for any age because it’s so versatile.

Taking a bike ride not only gets your heart rate going but will also allow you to see the sunshine, take in the nature of the trail you are on, and enjoy your family with you. 

If you don’t have friends or loved ones who want to join you, taking a bike ride is also a solo activity. You can even ride to work or the gym as a warmup for your other workout items. The great thing about this is that everyone knows how to ride a bike. It’s something you never forget how to do, right? 

#3 – Golf

Golf may not be the most budget-friendly sport, as the clubs and other equipment are quite expensive. If you do have the money, though, it’s a great activity for middle-aged people.

It requires great hand-eye coordination and plenty of walking between holes on the golf course. Skip the golf cart to get more exercise, even if it’s tempting to be lazy between swings.

This is also a sport that can be played well into your 50s and 60s. That’s a wonderful thought, as finding exercise gets more difficult as a senior. Seniors can even get golf car insurance through GEICO to enable them to further enjoy this sport.

#4 – Swimming

Swimming is incredibly relaxing. It’s also one of the only activities that gets you in the water, which adds a whole different dimension to your exercise routine.

The aerobic intensity of swimming is underrated, and it’s very accessible. Most health clubs and gyms have a swimming pool you can use. 

#5 – Tennis

You may think that tennis sounds a little too intense for middle-aged people, as it can be hard on a person’s knees. Playing casually once in a while shouldn’t be an issue for most fit people, though.

It can be difficult to master, but nobody needs to be Roger Federer or Rafael Nadal to get some swings in and enjoy the tennis court at your local park or school playground. 

Hopefully, these suggestions help you understand that there are options for exercise as you hit your 40s. Brainstorm more with your friends and you’ll be enjoying the fun and getting the physical benefits simultaneously. 

Shawn Laib writes and researches for the life insurance comparison site, LifeInsurancePost.com. He wants to help people understand the ways they can still have fun while getting exercise.

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