There are times we tend to do too much to our hair. We experiment and try different styles putting our hair through a lot of stress. There comes a time when the hair has had enough and it just cannot take it anymore. It begins to thin out, break, and just let you down when you try to do anything to it. It begins to pay you back for all the things you put it through.

There are however some DIY techniques you can use that can bring your back the life:

1. Olive Oil and Sugar

If your hair is very dry and you are frustrated with dandruff then this combination will work well for you. Olive Oil is for nourishing your hair with essential fats and emollients that moisturize the hair and dry scalp. The sugar is very good for exfoliating the scalp and removing flaky dandruff.

All you need to do is mix 2 tablespoons of sugar with 5 tablespoons of olive oil. Do not fully dissolve the sugar so that it can reach the scalp to exfoliate. Rub it through and move from scalp to ends. Thereafter you can rinse and shampoo the hair.   

2. Castor Oil

This is another hair mask that is good for dry scalp and problems with dandruff. Castor oil has fatty acids and great for moisturizing. It also has antimicrobial which is good for treating dandruff and dry scalp.

You just need a teaspoon of castor oil that you heat for a few seconds and then apply to the scalp moving up to the ends of the hair. Leave in for a few minutes then rinse and shampoo.

3. Avocado and Banana

When hair has been damaged by too much heat or chemical of some kind it needs to be deeply conditioned. The Avocado and Banana are rich in protein which the hair desperately need. It will bring back its bounce and shine.

What is needed is 2 tablespoons of banana mixed with two of avocado. Mash the ingredients together and apply from one end of the hair strand to the other. Leave in for 15 minutes then you can rinse it out.

4. Cinnamon and Coconut Oil

Cinnamon is very good with thinning hair. It helps with restoring blood circulation that helps the hair to grow and become stronger. Coconut oil comes in with its fatty acids to replenish the nutrients lots.

It just takes mixing a teaspoon of cinnamon with a teaspoon of coconut oil. You mix or blend them and massage them into the scalp from scalp to ends. Leave in for about half an hour then rinse out with warm water.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Sometimes the scalp can be very itchy and full of dandruff; this is where apple cider vinegar comes in handy. The apple cider is acidic and has antimicrobial compounds that help to clear the scalp and bring back its healthy shine.

By mixing 1 part apple cider vinegar with ten parts water you massage it in from the scalp to the ends of the hair and leave it in for a few minutes. Thereafter you can rinse it out.

6. Coconut Oil, Lemon, Yogurt, and Egg

This one may sound a bit messy but eggs are very good for hair. They are rich in vitamins and yogurt and coconut oil are good for hydrating the hair. This is perfect for dry hair.

Mixing a teaspoon of coconut oil, one lemon squeezed, half a cup of yogurt, and an egg will give you a nice treatment mixture. You mix it well then massage it into hair from scalp to the ends of the hair. Leave it in for about half an hour then rinse and shampoo.

7. Coconut Cream, Cocoa Powder, and Cinnamon

 Thinning hair can be depressing but it can be fixed. Cocoa is rich in antioxidants. The theobromine enhances hair growth and stimulates blood flow as well as cinnamon which will restore the thinning hair.

The coconut cream needs five ounces, half a cup of cocoa and three quarters ground cinnamon. When you mix them all until it is nicely blended then apply it to wet hair from the scalp to the ends. Put a plastic to keep the heat in for at least half an hour then rinse and shampoo as normal.

These are just a few tricks you can do at home to restore your beautiful hair. Healthy hair brings back confidence and it doesn’t have to be expensive. Give these a try today.

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