Your wedding day is one of your life’s most important and memorable moments. This is when you make a life-changing decision in front of all the people you love and care about the most. Aside from the intense planning and rollercoaster of emotions one goes through before the wedding, especially for ladies, ensure you’re in perfect mental and physical condition for your big day. Here are some simple things you can do now to give you that fresh and stunning look on the big day.


Water is crucial for good health. It helps eliminate waste and other toxic substances in the body, maintains your temperature, and leaves your skin glowing. While you’ve probably heard of the golden rule, which is to drink at least eight glasses of water daily, you can adjust your water intake when necessary based on your overall health. Also, take other fluids besides water or other fruit and vegetables containing significant amounts of water, including watermelon and spinach.

Improve Your Diet

Avoid foods with high calories, salt, sugar, and other processed foods. Instead, increase your vegetable and fruit uptake. This is beneficial for the material day and helps prevent illnesses associated with unhealthy diets and lifestyles. It takes approximately 20 minutes for your stomach to communicate to your brain that it’s had enough, so ensure you eat the correct proportions of food at the right time.


Complement your diet with a consistent exercise routine for optimum results. Go for traditional workouts that involve cardio and lifting weights. If you can’t go to the gym, try home work-out or dance routines that are equally engaging. If you have a tight schedule and barely enough time to work out, consider CoolSculpting, which is a non-invasive medical procedure that, according to WebMD, can help eliminate excess fats underneath your skin by up to 25% per treatment.

Maintain Your Skin Care Routine

Take good care of your skin before your wedding by sticking to a consistent morning and night skincare routine. If your face looks pale and dry, try using fish oil supplements to give it a radiant glow, and don’t forget to apply a cleanser and moisturizer.

Steer clear of products you haven’t used before to prevent skin breakouts. You don’t want to use so many layers of makeup to cover up skin damage on your wedding day. Whenever you go out, always put on your sunscreen; or better yet, wear a hat, particularly if you’re exposed to the sun for long hours.

Avoid Stress By Planning Ahead

Anyone who’s been through the process of planning a wedding can tell you it’s not an easy task. It requires the prowess to balance countless activities all at the same time. What may have looked like eight months of planning flew by in a split second, and the next thing you know, you’re at the altar exchanging vows with your significant other. Stress can result in mental or emotional strain, making your face dull and wrinkled.

Among the best ways to avoid the last-minute rush and ensure nothing falls through the cracks during your wedding is planning ahead. Have a checklist of everything you need, including the wedding venue and budget, then start planning with your fiancée. Normally, it’s a good idea to book and lock your wedding reception grounds as soon as possible once you’re engaged, preferably between a year and nine months ahead. Remember to factor in even the most minute and seemingly insignificant things as you plan.

There are so many things you can do in preparation for your wedding, not least personal grooming for the groom. There are so many moving parts that if one doesn’t get on top of things, it’s easy to forget details in the buildup to your wedding day. There’s nothing more important than great memories, not even money, and your wedding day will be filled with so many. Put these tips to work, and you’re off to a great start.

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