The Government is instructing people to leave the house for essentials such as food or medicine during the COVID-19 epidemic. Due to these limits, you may not be able to drive your automobile more than twice a week. As a result, you should aim to leave it idling for at least 15 minutes once per week. This could prevent a dead battery and ensure that gasoline and oil may flow freely through the engine. These actions will help to prevent the injectors and other components from becoming clogged. To reduce the risk of theft, please remain in your vehicle while the engine is running.

You are not required to drive your automobile daily. Under normal conditions, travelling a couple of times each week should be enough to keep you from having problems later on. However, if you do leave your automobile parked for an extended amount of time, there are a few things to keep in mind.

What happens to your car if you don’t drive it for an extended length of time?

Not moving your car or RV for a long time, can be more costly than you think, the cost of owning an RV is not cheap, but leaving without maintenance can be more expensive.

Drained Battery

Cars that aren’t in use very often will most likely drain the battery. Your vehicle’s battery can recharge while you drive, which is why batteries can last for years without exhausting their energy. When you park your car for an extended period, the battery cannot recharge and eventually die. Because each vehicle is different, it’s difficult to specify how long it should be parked for this to happen; it might take up to two weeks, or even less if the battery is in bad condition or is old.

Low Tyre Pressure

It’s conceivable that the tyre pressure will drop faster than it would if the automobile was driven. Before you head out, double-check that your tyres are low on air. The longer an automobile parks without moving, the more likely it is that flat patches will form. These develop when the car’s weight repeatedly presses down on the exact location on each tyre. After some time, the tyres in this spot may flatten out, resulting in a bumpy ride when you next use the car. This isn’t going to occur after just a few days or weeks of inactivity; it’ll take months. It is, however, something to be aware of.

Corroded Breaks

Brakes that are not in use for a while might rust and corrode. This especially happens if you’ve been driving in rainy weather and then parked the car for a few days. This isn’t a cause for concern, but the next time you drive, make sure you utilize your brakes carefully. To remove most of the corrosion, make sure the brake pedal isn’t mushy and apply the brakes regularly for the first few miles.

Brittle rubber parts

Rubber components such as belts and wipers can be affected significantly if you are in cold areas. The extreme temperatures harden rubber components, making them brittle. This can cause these parts to break when put under pressure. This is likely to have undesirable consequences that could prove very costly.

If you are not driving your car, how can you avoid problems?

If you know your car won’t be driven for a while, there are several things you can do to ensure it’ll be in good shape when you need it again.

Fill up your tank

When your fuel tank is full, the chances of there being moisture build-up is very low. On the other hand, if your tank is empty for long periods, moisture is likely to form. To avoid this happening, you should fill your tank with gas. Too much water can damage the injectors and rust the engine on the inside over time, causing severe problems with the car. A full tank also means you’re ready for any journey without the need to stop at the gas station.

Run your engine once a week

Start your automobile and let the engine run for 15 minutes to prevent the battery from losing charge. A quarter-hour is a minimum period advised; otherwise, the battery may not charge sufficiently. If you do this, you should stay with the vehicle to avoid being robbed by opportunist thieves. You should also avoid starting it in your garage because the exhaust gases can accumulate. Instead, park the car in the driveway and let it run for 15 minutes. Driving it will keep the tyres lubricated, potentially preventing cracking. If possible, drive it on a fast road, such as a dual-carriageway or a highway, to properly warm the engine.

Do not park under trees

Parking your vehicle under trees for extended periods could be bad news for you. As trees shed their leaves, they may become logged in the space between the hood and the windscreen. These can decompose and cause rust and decay in the engine bay, leading to costly problems for you. Trees are also home to birds that may lead to bird droppings which will affect the paint job.

Not driving often should not be an excuse for letting your vehicle be in a sorry state. By following these simple tips, you will prolong the life span of your car for years to come.
If after checking your car, you see any strange behaviour, you may be required to check with experts before hitting the road again.

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