Selling jewelry at a trade show can be easy if you follow the right steps. These are steps that aim to market your business and reach a good number of potential buyers. While you may need to put in a significantly bigger effort to reach people than you would when using other avenues, the returns will be well worth it. Here are some tips to help you determine how you should go about advertising your pop-up jewelry business for trade shows.

Start Advertising Early

The first thing that you need to do is to start marketing your trade show early. Once you know the date it’s supposed to be held and you confirm everything on your side, you need to alert people about it. Share it on your social media and even print out flyers if you can afford to do this for your business. Remember to place adverts online with something like Google Ads and talk about it on your website as well. It’s in this instance that you’ll realize the importance of having a solid website. An amazing 48% of people said that the number one factor in deciding a business’s credibility is its website design. This means that if you haven’t done so already, you need to revamp your website and make it more attractive. By advertising early, you’ll give people the time to plan to attend your event, and you may get more customers.

Get Good Signage

You’ll need to carry on your marketing efforts when you get to the trade show itself. Do this by getting good signage that’s attractive and professionally made. When a professional who has experience designing signage for jewelry businesses works on yours, you’re bound to notice the quality. They’ll know the overall rule of thumb for designing booth graphics which is that they should have 40% empty space. Nearly half of your graphics space needs to be blank if you want it to look professional and drive leads.

Ensure Your Booth Is Attractive

Getting proper signage is just one part of attracting people to your booth on the day of the event. If your booth is a revamped shipping container, you should know how to get the most out of it as well. Keep in mind that if shipping containers are taken care of with frequent maintenance, they can last for up to 20 years in total. Whatever material or design your booth is, you can find ways to decorate it and attract more customers to it. Ensure that your decor is relevant to your jewelry business to make it work even more inviting.

Consider Having Giveaways

Finally, you could have some attractive giveaways to share with people passing by your booth. These should be branded so that they can serve the purpose of long-term advertisement for your business. From swag bags to pens and even small items of decor like cards, find a giveaway that will be likely to be used so that people are less likely to forget about it. Ensure that you don’t spend too much money on your giveaways so that you can keep your expenses reasonably low. When you do this you’ll enjoy the results of good marketing, since people will be attracted to your booth and interact more with your business.

Use these tips to advertise your pop-up jewelry business for trade shows and you may have a good chance of reaching more people. Over time, you can perfect your skills and get more out of your efforts. In this way, you can scale up slowly but surely, potentially surpassing your business goals!

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